Tommy Cunningham – February Athlete of the Month

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Tommy has been a consistent member of our community since July of 2022. When we say consistent, there are only a handful of members who can say they are the most consistent based on the numbers and Tommy is one of them! Tommy has made both committed clubs since he started with flying colors, a combined 97 classes over the four months (the goal is 36 per committed club, 72 total). His consistency has led him to earn the most personal records in our gym last year with 68 total PRs! More importantly than numbers, is his positive impact on our community. Not only does he show up, but he pushes those around him, helps new members feel welcomed, role models great post workout mobility routines, and his top priority is the quality of his movements. 

More from Tommy:

Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from? What do you do for a living/study? Feel free to add more.

 I was born in Marysville, Kansas but I was raised here in Lincoln.  I work at Vision Mechanical as a Shop foreman.  My background is in commercial HVAC.   

How did you find out about Lincoln Nutrition & Fitness?

Anyone that does functional fitness in Lincoln knows about CFL, it is the premier spot!  

What was the biggest obstacle for you to start?

Location has always been an issue but now that I live closer it is not a problem. 

Do you remember your first workout?

I don’t remember my first workout but the one I do remember is my first Saturday workout where GM Emily was our coach.  It was Jenna and I only.   There was running, overhead squats, and back squats.

Who have your coaches been? How have they helped you through your first year of CrossFit. 

I have had every single coach at least once.  Each coach excels at different things such as cues, attitude, and their overall feel on how they run class.  Part of every coach here is secretly my hero.

Why do you keep coming back to Lincoln Nutrition & Fitness?

Honestly…. I really can’t see myself going to another gym.  This is my home.

How do you balance health & fitness with a busy schedule? How do you stay so consistent in the gym?

There is no balance, mediocrity isn’t my strong suit and I have accepted that balance isn’t as important as consistency. 

How does CrossFit help you with your job? How does CrossFit affect the rest of your life?

The physical attributes are one thing, but a stronger mindset would have to be the biggest takeaway.

What is your favorite thing about Lincoln Nutrition & Fitness: Home of CrossFit Lincoln?

Number one would definitely be the community. Never thought I’d say that about a gym! Members and coaches (rather working out alongside you or coaching) are the biggest contributor of my experience. I’m also partial to the way things are organized and kept clean. General layout is always comfortable even when class is at capacity.


To say we are lucky to have Tommy in our community would be an understatement. Thank you and see you in class! 

Your Coaches 


PS Check out Tommy on our Podcast by clicking the button below! 

Listen on Spotify

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