Focus Work Programming Cycle 1, Phase 1


We only have one more week left of Phase 1 in our programming. Below is an overview of what you’ve already been seeing in focus work programming and a taste of what you’ll see in the final week.

The pre-class focus work is intended for the athlete interested in adding more volume and practice to Olympic Weightlifting, gymnastics and conditioning. The focus work programming will alternate between lifting and skill work each day. In phase 1, we’ll be adding  one dynamic olympic lift and one slower, larger muscle moving lift in addition to the lifts performed in class.

With the dynamic lifts, the intent is to refine the basics by practicing position, speed and technique from  the hang position. For the slower lifts, we will continue to build base strength with a lower volume, dynamic strength cycle.

Within the skill section of the phase 1 programming,  the aim in the ‘off-season’ training is to focus in on shoulder, hip, and joint health with plenty of upper body strict pressing and pulling. The lower body accessory work will include posterior chain and glute development to improve lower back health and improve performance for all lifts.


  • MONDAY – Alternate weeks between squat & deadlift
    • Focus – speed & power cycle


  • TUESDAY – Upper press + lower pull accessory work + skill
    • Skill focus – HS walk & overhead stability, handstand pushups, etc.
  • WEDNESDAY – Alternate weeks between snatch + front squat
    • Snatch focus – technique, hang positions, pull from floor
    • Front squat – speed & power cycle
  • THURSDAY – Upper pull + lower push accessory + skill
    • Skill focus – rope climb, peg-board, muscle-up, etc.
  • FRIDAY – Alternate weeks between snatch & deadlift

***If you’re looking to dial in and improve on specific weaknesses Lincoln Nutrition & Fitness: Home of CrossFit Lincoln offers strength, gymnastics and aerobic capacity programs available, which can be purchased at


The Post-Class Focus work has two goals. First, it is intended to be used as a post WOD recovery session as it includes  accessory movements to mobilize and stabilize the joints. The second goal of the programming is to increase aerobic capacity. These post-class sessions are important for athlete recovery and joint health.

  • MONDAY – Recovery based accessory work
    • Posterior chain emphasis
  • TUESDAY – Single movement capacity EMOM
    • Rotating through double-unders, wall-ball shots, AAB, etc. (the goal is to focus on building aerobic capacity on singular movements)
  • WEDNESDAY – Recovery based accessor work
    • Anterior & core stability bias
  • THURSDAY – Alternate weeks between single movement capacity and combining two movements together
  • FRIDAY – Monostructural recovery
    • Slow run, row, bike, ski

Next week, I have an overview of what Cycle 1, Phase 2 class conditioning will consist of…stay tuned!