
Are You Growing or Dying?

Some people work hard to invest in themselves. They take extra classes, read books, go to counseling, train their minds and try to get better every day. This is hugely important. As the old saying goes, “If you’re not growing, you’re dying.”

There are some downsides to only investing in yourself. 

First, you become really self-centered. Eventually you will either realize the world does not revolve around you and you will be devastated OR you will burn bridge after bridge and find yourself rather lonely.

Second, your growth will stagnate. You will become intellectually and emotionally obese. You need to exercise the habits and tools you pick up and learn.

Our staff loves to grow. We take certifications, search for new methods for teaching and coaching, attend seminars, share best practices (and worst practices), read books, watch videos and on and on and on.

We do that so when you walk into the gym we can give you the best prescription to reach your goals and guide you along the way. Our coaches are working on themselves so we can help you work on yourself at the highest level.

If you haven’t invested in your own health, now is a perfect time to meet with one of our staff for a free Goal Review. Tell us what has worked for you and what you struggle with. Share your goals with us and let’s build a plan together to help you reach your goals.

Schedule your No Sweat Intro session here.

See you soon!

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