Mary Leah Canarsky – February Athlete of the Month

Mary Leah

Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from? What do you do for a living/study? Feel free to add more.

                I grew up near Lincoln and was fortunate to be able to stick around for college and graduate school. I graduated from UNMC College of Dentistry 5 years ago. I joined my dad’s dental practice and have been working with him since then. Make sure you brush and floss every day 🙂 I enjoy spending time with family and friends and doing lots of outdoor activities during the summer, one of which is rollerblading marathons. I try to do one every few years.

How did you find out about Lincoln Nutrition & Fitness?

                My brother, coach Paul, had started working out at the gym and convinced me I should give it a try. As an added bonus I found out they didn’t require shoes when working out!

What was the biggest obstacle for you to start?

                I was in college when I started so adding in regular workout times with classes/studying and work was a challenge.

How did you overcome that obstacle?

                 I joined at the same time as my sisters so it was helpful to have the accountability of working out with them.

Do you remember your first workout?

                I don’t remember the specifics of the workout but I do remember using the fifteen pound bar and it feeling SUPER heavy.

Who was your coach, how did they help you push through it?

                Paul wasn’t technically a coach when I started but he was always pushing me to lift more and speed up when we would work out together. It’s been really nice to have a variety of coaches (although Paul will always be my favorite). I have learned something different from each of them.

Why do you keep coming back to Lincoln Nutrition & Fitness?

                Once I got into a routine of exercising and lifting, I found that it gets addicting. It’s great to have a structured class so all I have to do is show up and the workout is already planned.

How do you balance health & fitness with a busy schedule?

                For me, setting personal goals has helped me balance everything in my life.  My goal is to get to the gym 4 days a week. It doesn’t always happen but it helps to have the goal.

How does CrossFit help you with your job?

            Exercising helps me to be a healthier and happier person which naturally makes work easier.

What is your favorite thing about Lincoln Nutrition & Fitness?

            It’s great to be able to show up for class knowing I’ll get a good workout in without having to spend time planning it and to have feedback from the coach to be constantly improving my technique. It’s also really great to have the community atmosphere.