CrossFit Lincoln Athlete of the Month – Travis McGrew

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When we think of Travis, “kind” and “humble” are the words that immediately come to mind. Travis joined CrossFit Lincoln a little over two years ago and spent the first part of his time traveling quite a bit. Once he settled into our 4:30pm class, he quickly became a coach favorite. He’s incredibly coachable, always listening to what the coaches suggest and putting in his best effort to follow through. Despite being one of the strongest members, he remains remarkably humble, especially during lifting sessions. Travis has stepped up to partner with new members for workouts, actively participates in our community events, and fully embraces the process. Read more about Travis and his journey below.

Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from? What do you do for a living/study? Feel free to add more.

I am married to my lovely wife Sonja coming up on 20 years this November and we have 2 wonderful girls, Ashlyn 13 and Brooke 11. I spent most of my life as a native Phoenician before moving to Connecticut on a job transfer in 2014, then packed up the family for another job transfer to Amsterdam, Netherlands from 2015-2020, relocating back to CT for a year and then a new job opportunity in Lincoln November of 2021. I am currently VP Global Supply Chain for Hexagon Agility, a Norwegian publicly traded clean energy company with a factory here in Lincoln. My family and I are still adapting to Midwest life nearly 3 years later and sorry to all reading this, but I will never be a Husker supporter.

I was very active in my 20s with weightlifting and competitive mountain biking, but when I went back for an MBA while still working full time, my fitness went to zero and my weight went up significantly. Then career, babies and social events were an excuse. I was doing a weekly group mountain bike ride that usually ended with tacos and beer – net calorie gain looking back. And as I pushed 40, I knew I had to do something different, so while living in Amsterdam I checked out the local box – I640 CrossFit (640 muscles in the body) and was hooked from the beginning.

How did you find out about Lincoln Nutrition & Fitness: Home of CrossFit Lincoln?

I had started CrossFit while in Europe and continued through to CT, so I knew I wanted to keep that fitness path. My work start in Lincoln was quite intensive at first and I did nothing fitness wise but was approaching my 45th birthday so I knew I wanted to get back after it. After about 6 months in Lincoln, I simply googled ‘CrossFit’ and ‘Lincoln’ and my options were rather limited – Lincoln CrossFit had a better website and reviews so I filled out the form and Emily text me within about 2 hours. We sat down that same week I think, and I started on or around my birthday the following week.

What was the biggest obstacle for you to start CrossFit?

Just trying to find the balance with work, family, travel, life….I travel for work at least 1 week per month and when I am in town, I am often engaging in supplier dinners, late calls, or deadlines. I wish I could manage to make a 5 or 6am CrossFit class, respect to those guys, but my body does not cooperate in the morning. 8AM Saturdays is almost always a struggle, but I make it if I am in town.

How did you overcome that obstacle?

As I have developed in my work role, I have been able to build a competent team I can delegate a lot of activities which frees me up, as well my family is very accommodating and flexible to my unusual hours, and I purposely schedule blocks in my calendar around class times when I can. Basically, I make fitness a priority.

Do you remember your first CrossFit workout?

Amsterdam, May 2018, something called ‘wall walks’ – looked easy when the coach demonstrated, no problem for a former weightlifter right, I got to the 3rd or so and thought my shoulders and arms might fall off and I nearly passed out from being upside down – still one of my nemeses.

Who have your coaches been? How have they helped you through your first year of CrossFit?

I think I have worked out with most of the coaches at some point. Having been to a few other CrossFit gyms, I can say that the technique development and movement coaching are the best I have experienced – and always consistent. I appreciate the extra tips when they see me struggling with a movement and/or a ‘mobility’ restriction, which I think is a kind way to tell me I am stiff, inflexible, and need to do more post-workout stretching.

Why do you keep coming back to Lincoln Nutrition & Fitness: Home of CrossFit Lincoln?

First, the coaches are all great and motivating. Second, the programming is so well balanced that I always look forward to checking the next day’s WOD. Third, I am not getting younger, and the regular movement makes me feel good (or another way to say it is I feel less good if I do not come regularly). Finally, the community and regulars are very motivational.

How do you balance health & fitness with a busy schedule? How do you stay so consistent in the gym?

Blocking my calendar has been key, especially for the 4:30 class, it keeps people from scheduling me at those times and allows me to plan knowing I am free for that hour. My family will adapt dinner around my afternoon/evening workouts which is great. I try to be consistent with the Saturday 8AM class and occasionally I sneak into a noon class. I do pack workout clothes and shoes when I travel, but sadly, I rarely see the inside of a hotel gym.

How does CrossFit help you with your job? How does CrossFit affect the rest of your life?

I can spend anywhere from 4-10 hours sitting at a desk on video calls depending on the week, so being able to take an hour and move is critical for so many reasons. But mainly CrossFit makes me feel good is also a stress relief for me to be in the gym. I am trying to build a foundation to be active and move into my later years and I know that journey has to begin today, so one of my goals is to not be idly old, but have the ability to bike, golf, walk, and continue to lift heavy things.

What is your favorite thing about Lincoln Nutrition & Fitness: Home of CrossFit Lincoln?

1)  Coaches – we have such a great balance of personalities, but at the core I feel like everyone here wants to help me improve anyway they can, they are not just here to run through the WOD, but they make me feel like they are here to support me directly, which is awesome. I do enjoy learning more about them on the podcast as well.

2)  Programming – As I said above, I really enjoy the variety and balance of gymnastics, cardio, and lifting we do in addition to some of the competitive events. As a former gym rat, my weekly schedule was chest, back, bis, tris, and legs every 3rd week. Here we tackle so many different exercises that I never get bored, I am always challenged, and I look forward to coming to the gym, which is a testament in itself!